Week 1

Preseason fun ride is in the books

Thanks to all that joined us last Thursday for our pre-season adventure ride in Middleton. The rain held off just long enough for us to get a nice ride in.

Registration closing this week

Registration for our team will be closing this week. The original messaging had been that July 1 was the deadline, but because this message is coming out today, I am extending the registration until July 3rd. Please take care of this RIGHT NOW if you still have not signed up but would like to for the 2024 season. There’s a fair amount of work to be done to reconcile the Driftless, Pitzone and sportsYou registrations and that gets harder if the lists keep changing.

Coaches: OTB 101 Opportunity

Any coaches interested in an OTB 101 course but missed out on the ones this spring, Beth Potter at Madison West is looking to hold another course. Please reach out to her at coachbeth@madisonmtb.org if you are interested.

For those that don’t know, OTB (On-the-Bike) 101 is a required class for any coach looking to be a Level 2 course, but it is a good course for anyone to take.

Practice Schedule

The full details of the practice schedule are in sportsYou. Please make sure you’ve joined both the Driftless MTB team as well as one of Mount Horeb MTB OR Middleton/Waunakee MTB.

This week there is only practice on Tuesday since Thursday is the 4th of July 🧨. Mount Horeb’s practice is for returning riders; Middleton/Waunakee is for new riders. Full details in sportsYou.

Updates to practices, including last minute cancellations due to weather will be made in sportsYou, so it is important EVERYONE is setup on their respective teams.

Use sportsyou to mark availability

Coaches, Riders and Family members are reminded to mark your availability in sportsYou as soon as you know it. This helps the head coaches plan for practices.


Jul 24


week 0